Marcon 38 Pictures

There were too many pictures taken at this event to be posted on my site, so I just picked out a couple of dozen that would give everyone a "feel" as to how the Marcon went.

My kind of gal...

The most beautiful vampress at the Marcon convention!

(Jees!  I sure didn't know blondes had teeth like that!)

One of my crew members, Judy, being held captive by one of the aliens.
Oh, but Judy didn't need to be rescued, did she?

(I kinda felt sorry for the bad guy... )


There be Klingons about!

My sister, Carolann, with two Imperial storm troopers.
This is Kenny Baker and his lovely wife.  Kenny is better known as R2D2 in the "Star Wars" films.

Little?  Not a chance.  He's twice the man most of us can even hope to become.

See what happens when you get caught with a camera?  If you don't take their picture, the storm troopers blast you!!
My wife, Min, and Judy pose for the camera with a . . . 


Just what IS this guy, anyway?

Talk about bondage...

This guy had his lady bound in a leather straight jacket during the convention.  I couldn't HELP but take their picture when I noticed the gal trying to eat lunch without the use of her arms.

Richard Biggs . . . a great actor, and a hell of a fine man.

'nuff said.

Two fine ladies, each with a heart the size of Texas!

(Now . . . just WHO is Richard Hatch?)

A book signing picture.
A book signing picture.
Another book signing picture.
Our friend, Judy, was giving this big bird such a hard time during the book signing, I just felt it as being  justice for the poor fellow to be included in one of the signing pictures.
Let's see . . . an Andorian, a Star Fleet officer, and a beautiful little angel.

What a combination!

Book signing picture.

Without a doubt, this fine gentleman was one of the most intelligent people I've met all day.

Who SAID belly-dancers aren't allowed at the Marcon?

(It took me FOREVER to find the harem Saturday night!)

Sally Smith, the fine lady who allowed me to have a book signing at her table in the dealer's room.

(No, Sally.  I don't think I'll ever have belly dancers helping me at book signings, but you never know... )

Another book signing picture.
First panel:

"Things I wish someone would have told me."

From left to right: Will McDermott, Carl Merritt, Ian Strock, Carol Ottolenghi.

Second panel:

"Dark Fantasy: Horror in disguise, or something entirely different?"

From left to right: Carl Merritt, Tim Waggoner, Caterina Runyon-Spears.

A few of the attendees at the second panel.
Carolann and Richard Biggs.
Glenn Shadix

Remember Beetlejuice?  Well, Glenn was not only in that movie, but Planet of the Apes, Demolition Man and a ton of other movies as well.

Another book signing picture.
Don't ask...
More storm troopers on the prowl while Glenn signs autographs in the background.


I want to thank all of the organizers of Marcon38 for letting me be a part of this fantastic event, the panels especially.  I also want to thank Larry Smith and his wife, Sally, for allowing me the honor of having a book signing at their table.  And, of course, I have to thank Judy, Carolann, and my lovely wife, Min, for making sure everyone at the Marcon heard of the book called, "Fleet of Angels."