Barnes & Noble
Across from Dayton Mall
March 1, 2003
The day started off slow, but ended up rather busy. I found myself seeing some old friends, and even a member of my family. Pictures turned out to be a bust, however. Either those who bought books didn't want their pictures on the Internet, or else there was no time to take them. Hell, with it being a cloudy day there wasn't even a picture taken of the store front. The two pictures that were taken, however...
If I interpreted what I saw correctly, this young man had a choice to make. He could either purchase the two books he already had with him as he passed my signing table, or buy a copy of Fleet of Angels. Obviously, in his mind he was taking a chance on an unknown author, but he chose Fleet of Angels anyway. The person he was with didn't look too pleased with his choice. I believe if this young man loans her FOA to read after he's done with it, she'll understand that he made the correct decision. I saw the authors' names on the other two books . . . uh, Fleet of Angels is a better read. For having so much faith in my writing ability, I'm happy now that I signed his book the way I did.
This beautiful young lady is a part of my family. It was so hectic in the store at the time, I didn't even recognize her as I was passing out business cards. (Okay, I'll admit it, I'm pure scum... ) This young lady and her companion seemed to be a little amazed that I had actually written a book. Hmmm . . . I'm sure after they READ it, they're going to be even MORE amazed that Fleet of Angles is written so WELL! :) Enjoy the novel, you two! See ya at my house sometime for beer, phoose-ball and pool!
It was such a hectic day, it never even occurred to me to ask permission to post the names of these wonderful people. So, okay . . . maybe someday I'll learn that it's wiser to take more help with me to these book signings. (Sigh... ) Maybe that way, I'll even have a few more pictures to post...
I also want to thank the staff at Barnes and Noble and the store's manager, Greg Terry, for setting this book signing up so well.