L.U.S.T. at The Bike and Car Wash at Chaps!
2352 S. Yellowsprings St. Springfield, OH.
July 9, 2011
Featuring: Sara, Tiffany, Rayne, Molly and L.U.S.T Security: Tony!
Rayne - looking good, as always! | |
Rayne and Tiff - you put these two together, and they still wouldn't weigh as much as that bucket of water! lol | |
Molly and Tiffany washing the front end of a car. No idea who that woman is in back... | |
Molly and Rayne - still at work! | |
Molly, Rayne and Tiffany! | |
I wonder just how clean they're getting those cars? | |
Tiffany and Rayne drawing in some business
from the street. Don't know who the girl on the left is - one of
the Chaps girls, I believe.
Hint: Anyone pictured on this page with more than 5% body fat is NOT a L.U.S.T promo model! |
Another customer... | |
I wonder how many parties are held under that bridge? | |
Beauty contest winner, magazine model and L.U.S.T. team leader, Sara Sly. | |
Molly is quite a worker... | |
These four girls are having entirely too much fun! lol | |
Is Rayne trying to wash off one of those tattoos? | |
Thumbs up to you too, Molly! | |
I've never seen these girls work so hard! lol | |
I think Tiffany found a new toy... | |
You think Tiffany is a model? | |
Hmmm... | |
Beauty contest winner, magazine model and L.U.S.T. team leader, Sara Sly. | |
Ta-daaaaaaaa! | |
Time to quit, ladies! | |
I think Tiffany enjoys herself at these events - not sure...