Cinema Wasteland


September 30 - October 2, 2005

This gorgeous vision of loveliness looks GREAT, doesn't she?  Everyone, meet Bianca Allure, one of my two new promo models I'll be taking with me to conventions.  Bianca's job is to just be herself (another Paris Hilton!) and rule the nights in the hotel bars.
 This lady's makeup caught my attention from across the room, so I just HAD to get a picture.
Everyone, this is the horror writer, Joe Knetter, a drinker from WAY back, and we've bought each other more than one drink in the past.  He writes the sickest stuff I've ever laid my eyes on.  Why anyone would ever buy one of his books, I have NO idea!   

Ahem!  Uh, Joe!  Thanks for signing my copy for me!  lol

 Amanda had the place rockin'!  She even had the DEAD coming back to life just so they could dance with her!
Beauty and the Beast? 
 Sharon, where's Clayton?
 These are two great people Bianca is posing with!  They are Clayton Hill and his wife, Sharon.  They were a couple of Zombies in the 1977 classic, Dawn of the Dead.  They are also two of the nicest people on the planet!  Clayton, Sharon . . . thank you for being who you are!
 A problem arose at this convention, and we couldn't perform a bunch of planned skits for the patrons.  So, I asked Amanda Fire is she would mind dancing.  (WHEW!)  Amanda then went on to dance for six straight hours the first night, and eight straight hours the next day!

When it comes to dedication, Amanda Fire can NOT be matched!

 Jim Klink and Amanda Fire
 Everyone, I've never been to a convention anywhere near Cleveland that Jim hasn't been in attendance.  I just hope that someday he unblocks my E-Mail!  lol

JIM!!!   E-Mail me and give me a number where I can reach you!!  It's important!

 Stacey Sparks and Bianca Allure.  My GOD!  These two girls together could turn on a stone statue!
 Bianca OWNED the hotel bar both Friday and Saturday nights!
 For their original-looking costumes, I just had to get a shot of these two fine people also.
I think Bianca must like my sword, or something.
The one and only . . . the most cherished horror host on the planet . . . DR. CREEP!

Eh, Doc?  Please stay away from Taco Bell and the like, huh?  That crap will kill ya!

I wonder if Amanda was born with those teeth?
Like the song says . . . Simply Irresistible!
Bianca and Mr. X again.
 Ken Foree 
For some reason, Ken insisted on another picture with Bianca after this one . . . 
The devil and the vampress . . . quiet a combo!
 Two great guys in one place at the same time!  (And both probably drunk!  lol!) 
Boilermakers?  Oh, my!  (Must be trying to get on Bianca's good side!)
A. Ghast Lee Ghoul
(Sigh... )  Tim, you're the luckiest guy in Cleveland!
This big oaf is Goldie . . . nice guy, I suppose, however he acts like a bit of an ogre after a few dozen drinks.  That's okay, I suppose.  I wouldn't want Goldie any other way!
Hello, old friend!
Bianca Allure!  She can party longer than most anyone else I've EVER seen! 
Hmmm . . . I hope Amy doesn't get jealous!  She's liable to spank the REST of the models!
Stacey, he's a lucky man.
 Half cute, half . . . UGH!
 Hmmm, okay . . . so THAT'S what happened to my work shirt!  Amanda, keep it.  It looks better on you anyway!
Pat, be careful who you hang out with.  Didn't your mom ever tell you vampires bite?
 Only one person missing . . . Bianca!  (Probably at the bar again!  lol )
Amanda Fire with Jim, the Son of Colonel Klink.  Hey Jim!  Is that one of my old "Fleet of Angels" buttons?  Damn!  Sure is!  Now . . . just find that Nikky Irene button and nobody gets hurt!  lol
Everyone, Cinema Wasteland was a lot of fun . . . and deep down, that's what conventions are supposed to be about.  Ken Kish, the organizer, did such a good job over the years with this convention, he attained the ultimate compliment on Sunday, October 2, 2005.  The dealers' room was/is so successful, tables were sold out for the next (Spring, 2006) show before THIS convention was even over.  Ken, you are doing one HELL of a job!  And thanks for the help a few months ago . . . for that, I will be forever in your debt!